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Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat last week!

Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat last week! - we say welcome to the blog Tecno Android Phones we provide a lot of latest gadget information that must be very dear for you to miss, now we will discuss first about Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat last week! we have collected a lot of information to make this article to complete for you, Please read:

Articles : Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat last week!
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    Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat last week!

    Been away and want to catch up on last week's IP news? No problem! As always, the IPKat team is here to bring you a quick summary: here comes the 117th edition of Never Too Late.

    The very first post from the New InternKat Tian Lu

    The EU Commission unveiled its second copyright package on Sep.14. Not surprisingly, the DSM Directive has attracted the greatest attention. Besides those “much has been said” discussions, Eleonora Rosati brings you her concerns and arguments on the relationship between the DSM Directive and the existing body of case law of the CJEU.

    Due to its inconsistency with trade mark’s “origin indication” function, being generic is usually a “oh hell no!” for trademark practitioners. Well, it is not always the case for actual business owners who of course put profits-seeking first. In this article, Neil Wilkof explains his insights on the commercial informative value of generic marks by depicting a nostalgic story of “a Men’s Store in Mid 19th Century”. 

    The excitement and conveniences that the Internet of Things (IoT) brings come with high prices, such as the vulnerability to hacking, privacy concerns and consumer rights. Debates are therefore heating up. In this article, Nicola Searle brings her vivid reports of the GikII conference (Sep. 30, at London) which is “full of terrifying nightmaresfascinating anecdotes” with a touch of humour.

    Well it’s actually not that bad. Until something worse happens… insights from IPKat Alberto Bellan on the Svensson and GS Media cases.

    A warm welcome to the new InternKats: Hayleigh Bosher, Tian Lu and Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo!

    Mark Schweizer brings us an analysis of the fresh CJEU’s judgement on Combit/Commit (Sep. 22).


    Never too late 116 [week ending on Sunday 2 October] | Book Review: WTO Dispute Settlement and the TRIPS Agreement | The IPKat team news: new arrivals and farewells | Brexit - who has the power to change UK law? | Book review: Computer Crimes and Digital Investigations | European business urge continued UK involvement in UPC on eve of Competitiveness Council meeting | Wednesday Whimsies | Book review: Global Governance of Intellectual Property in the 21st Century |

    Never too late 115 [week ending on Sunday 25 September] | Book Review: Arnold reviews “Economic Approaches to Intellectual Property” | The English approach to obviousness – It all depends on the facts? | AIPPI Congress Report 3: Biosimilars – similar but different? | AIPPI Congress Report 4: Lawyers who lunch – role of experts in litigation and the EPO in the 21st Century | Law & Economics – The Italian Edition | Friday Fantasies | Latest thoughts about Brexit and the UPC | Eye ‘should’ve’ done that! – Specsavers nears approval to trade mark single word “should’ve” & “shouldve” | A song of Ice and Ice | ChIPs Global Summit Report 3: Congratulations – your patent has been allowed, when is it finally final?

    Never too late 114 [week ending on Sunday 18 September] | Commissioner unveils new copyright package | Open letter from Wikimedia et al on copyright package| Globalisation, Globalisation, Globalisation| Philip Morris loses investment arbitration | EPIP highlights | 20 million thanks | Tea & trade secret theft | Patent quality conference | free wifi networks & copyright infringement | Chiefs in Intellectual Property summit | Innovation and its discontents | GS Media rapid response event summary | AIPPI Congress reports

    Never too late 113 [week ending on Sunday 11 September] Clinical trial data | Parody and free use in Germany | Infringing donuts | CJEU decision in GS Media | Fujifilm Kyowa v AbbVie | UK and the UPC | General Data Protection Regulation | Changes to IPO rules | Book review: European Patent Litigation in the Shadow of the Unified Patent Court | General Electric and 3D printing | EPLAW mock trials

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