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2 tickets to paradise: Oahu Trip Itinerary

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2 tickets to paradise: Oahu Trip Itinerary

Tomorrow morning we are leavin' on a jet plane with our two tickets to paradise (*two songs, one sentence, BAM!*).

We have been planning this trip since I think June of last year. We didn't do a honeymoon after our wedding last May (instead we spent 8 day on his base submitting all manner of paperwork before he deployed), so this here is it. And its a celebration of our one year anniversary as well! It will be 8 days of oh-so-fabulous. We're beyond excited over here.

JoJo and I travel very well together. Neither of us are into super touristy attractions. We like the outdoors and adventures. We are the sort to kind of just drive around to see what we can see. Out of the two of us, I am the one that plans ahead. He is more spur of the moment. I just like to optimize time and not waste any looking for something to that day. So my job is to make lists ahead of time and we figure it out day by day when we get there. It balances out between us just lovely.

I have spent months pinning away on Pinterest and I spent 7 hours last week looking up maps and address of places I think we would like to visit on Oahu. Nothing is set in stone, but here are some things we MIGHT be doing. I guess we'll have to compare when I post after the trip!

We are staying at the Hale Koa. It's a DoD resort with great military rates, right on Waikiki Beach.
While we are anti-tourist I don't think we can go to Hawaii without going to a Luau...apparently the Hale Koa has a great one. We'll be checking that out. Hula shows and fireworks also make the list of necessary but horribly tourist activities.
We'll definitely be checking/hiking Leahi, aka Diamond Head Crater. Anything else we can hike, will also be conquered.
There will be plenty of stargazing. JoJo is an astronomy fanatic and Hawaii has beautiful clear skies.
Visiting Pearl Harbor and the memorials there is another thing on the list.
We've rented a car and will surely be driving up to the famous surfer's paradise that is Oahu's North Shore.
Hanuama Bay, known for its snorkeling and sea turtles.
Find as many Waterfalls as possible and play in them. Manoa Falls is high on the list.
The only truly set in stone thing is the sunset dinner on a Catamaran which we purchased on Groupon (by the way, I highly recommend checking Groupon before you head out on a vacation!).
I have a list of restaurants and favorite local eateries we will likely visit. We will be consuming as much fish and local food as possible. Iron Chef's Morimoto's restaurant, anyone?  Places were they catch fish and within the hour feed it to you? Yes. Anything with pineapple or coconut? Yes and yes. I'm excited to try out some of the food trucks on the island, as well. There will be plenty of drinking (and buying to bring home) of delicious Hawaiian grown coffee too.
We will try and avoid anything with the word "tour" in it. Limited trips to tourist trap souvenir shops will be made. Although, I have been promised a lei or two which I am most excited about. (also, flowers beware, I will pick all of you). Saver's and Goodwills in the area have been mapped out. Farmer's Markets have also been made note of.
 Renting jet skiis is another must on the schedule (there are few things more fun in the world than basically quadding in the ocean). We don't want to try surfer bad enough to pay for lessons, but if someone offers to teach us then bring it on! Same goes for kayaking. It could happen.
We are also going to try and visit as many beaches (especially the less tourist filled ones) as possible. We plan on beach mornings and afternoon/evening adventure. Of course, we'll pop over to the palace and say hi to King Kamehameha's statue. That's a must as we are naming our first born son after him (...just kidding...or maybe not). Maybe by some miracle we'll get in a shark cage (actually we won't, I have been informed).  There will be lots of random driving. Also, anything that can be hiked, climbed or jumped off of probably will.
Overall, there will be much adventure having and enjoying of the 80+ degrees and sunshine. When I update you on the trip I will have been magically transformed from Washingtonian pale to Hawaiian Bronzed. See ya then!

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