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Useful Lync Powershell Scripts

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Useful Lync Powershell Scripts

I find myself having to create and use the same Lync Powershell scripts over and over again, so I thought I'd compile a list of some of the ones I've created for others.  It will get updated as time goes on.

Enjoy, and suggest others in the Comments.

Finding all the people who have a telephone number set in Lync
Get-CsUser -Filter {LineURI -ne $NULL} | FT Name, LineURI

Change SIP domain for all users

$UserList = Get-CsUser 
foreach ($User in $UserList)
   $oldAddress = $User.SipAddress
   $newAddress = $oldAddress -replace "@olddomain.com", "@newdomain.com"
   Set-CsUser -Identity $User.Identity -SipAddress $newAddress

Setting the AD office phone number to the TelURI for all users
#Only need to add the AD Powershell instance once
Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-Powershell
Import-Module ActiveDirectory

$users = Get-CSUser

Foreach ($user in $users)
   $Tel = $user.LineURI
   $Tel = $Tel.Replace("tel:", "")
   If ($Tel -ne "")
      Set-ADUser -Identity $user.SAMAccountName -OfficePhone $Tel

Enable All Users in a Group for Lync Enterprise Voice
#Uses existing office number in AD for Enterprise Voice
Import-Module ActiveDirectory

$Users = Get-ADGroupMember lync_group

ForEach ($User in $Users)
    Enable-CsUser $User.SamAccountName -RegistrarPool LYNCPOOLNAME -SipAddressType EmailAddress
    $OfficePhone = (Get-CSADUser $User.SamAccountName).Phone
    $OfficePhone = $OfficePhone -replace "\D", ""
    Set-CSUser $User.SamAccountName -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled:$TRUE -LineURI "tel:+$OfficePhone"

Move All OCS Users Homed on a Specific Pool to Lync
Also sets conferencing policy and external access policy to automatic, rather than the legacy migrated OCS policies.  Replace items in bold with your environmental specifics.

get-csuser -OnOfficeCommunicationServer | Where {$_.HomeServer -eq "CN=LC Services,CN=Microsoft,CN=OCSPOOLNAME,CN=Pools,CN=RTC Service,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=contoso,DC=com"} | Move-CsLegacyUser -Target LYNCPOOLFQDN -ExcludeConferencingPolicy -ExcludeExternalAccessPolicy -Confirm:$FALSE

Count How Many Users are on OCS and Lync
(Get-CsUser -OnOfficeCommunicationServer).Count
(Get-CsUser -OnLyncServer).Count

Get a List of All Lync-Enabled Users Along with Selected AD Properties
#Asked by a commenter. Harder than it initially looked....

$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$Output = @()

Foreach ($LyncUser in Get-CSUser -ResultSize Unlimited)
$ADUser = Get-ADUser -Identity $LyncUser.SAMAccountName -Properties Department, Title, Mail
$Output += New-Object PSObject -Property @{DisplayName=$LyncUser.DisplayName; Department=$ADUser.Department; Title=$ADUser.Title; SAMAccountName=$ADUser.sAMAccountName; Mail=$ADUser.Mail; SIPAddress=$LyncUser.SIPAddress; LineURI=$LyncUser.LineURI; EVEnabled=$LyncUser.EnterpriseVoiceEnabled}

$Output | Export-CSV -Path .\Output.csv
$Output | FT DisplayName, Title, Department, SAMAccountName, Mail, SIPAddress, EVEnabled

Create Lync Network Sites and Subnets using Info from AD Sites & Services

Add Enterprise Voice Users to an AD Group
Foreach ($User in get-csuser -filter {EnterpriseVoiceEnabled -eq $TRUE})
{Add-ADGroupMember -Identity -Members $User.SamAccountName}

Enable All Users in an AD Group for Lync EV/Exchange UM
#Takes the office number from AD, assuming its formatted correctly, extracts the last 4 digits to use
#as the extension (for dialin conferencing), and uses it for the LineURI and extension for UM.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

#Import Exchange Powershell
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri http://EXCHANGESERVERFQDN/PowerShell/ -Authentication Kerberos
Import-PSSession $Session

$Users = Get-ADGroupMember TARGETADGROUP

ForEach ($User in $Users)
    Enable-CsUser $User.SamAccountName -RegistrarPool LYNCSERVERFQDN -SipAddressType EmailAddress
    $EmailAddress = Get-CSADUser $User.SamAccountName).WindowsEmailAddress
    $OfficePhone = (Get-CSADUser $User.SamAccountName).Phone
    $OfficeExt = $OfficePhone.Substring($OfficePhone.Length - 4)
    $OfficePhone = $OfficePhone -replace "\D", ""
    $OfficePhone = $OfficePhone + ";ext=" + $OfficeExt
    Set-CSUser $User.SamAccountName -LineURI "tel:+$OfficePhone"
    Set-CSUser $User.SamAccountName -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled:$TRUE
    Enable-UMMailbox $User.SamAccountName -UMMailboxPolicy "UMPOLICYNAME" -SIPResourceIdentifier $EmailAddress -Extension $OfficeExt

Articles about Useful Lync Powershell Scripts finished discussed

We think it is enough information about Useful Lync Powershell Scripts, hopefully the information we give can give benefit for you,

If you feel the information Useful Lync Powershell Scripts that we provide can provide benefits for others please share with link https://southernmatron.blogspot.com/2012/07/useful-lync-powershell-scripts.html thank you for visiting our blog page and do not forget to visit other pages.

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